Wild Desert Majesty
Three distinct elevations of the nearby wilderness capture the beauty and the unique ecosystems. The panels are titled “Summit” featuring a big horned sheep, “Ascent” featuring deer and mountain mahogany and “Desert Floor” featuring cactus, coatimundi, and a desert hare. Hand brushed panels gently curve along the entry drive. Public Art.
Quail Park of Oro Valley, Az.
55 x 288 x 12 inches
stainless steel, local rock
Wild Desert Majesty - winter view
Summit (left)
The apex highest elevation features a bighorn sheep amidst pine and aspen as a red tailed hawk soars overhead. The ancient tree rings detail memories of decades of seasons.
Ascent (middle)
Moving upward, the landscape changes and is dotted with pinion and mountain magnolia among rock outcroppings. Mule deer quietly inhabit this elevation while stellar jays are a splash of color. Ancient junipers, shaped by the winds provide stark texture.
Desert Home (right)
The desert floor has a landscape of saguaro cactus, coatimundi, jackrabbit and prickly pear.